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Make Japan Tour

This is the information of FAR CHANNEL RECORDS for make a Japan tour.

This is the option that we have for make a Japan tour for a Latinamerican band, also we have to say that FAR CHANNEL RECORDS it moves in the underground scene of Europe and that means the treat will be limited but real.



6 days tour, distributed in the next way:

Concerts between Thursday to Monday, gives a total of 3 shows with the possibility , giving 2 free day distributed in the next way:

Wednesday – arriving to Japan
Thursday – free day
Friday – show
Saturday – show
Sunday – show
Monday – free day
Tuesday – back home




Payment per show: all the dates works by % of the entrances, it’s the way that the venues and promotors work with us, earnings will be depending of the attending people, it could be ¥2000 in a bad night or ¥10000 in a good one, it depends of the background and popularity of the band in Japan, it can be the same entrance fee at every show.


Accommodation: the band can stay at the Far channel records apartment with a cost of ¥5000(1person/1night) for a maximum of 6 persons per night, during the tour. Also the band can rent their own accommodation by themselves.


Meals and non-alcoholic drinks: will been covered by the band.

Range of work:
7th AVENUE (Yokohama/Kanagawa)

The GAME (Shibuya/Tokyo)

The Roots (Koenji/Tokyo)

Antiknock (Shinjuku/Tokyo)

SCIENCE (Shinjuku/Tokyo)

BABEL (Tachikawa/Tokyo)  

The route is not by petition of cities that the band want, it will be by the promotors interest.

Booking cost:

The cost is ¥180,000 (include TAX) for one band by the tour with Far Channel Records.

The fees will be covered in the next way:

¥90,000 for set aside his place and start working with the planning, the second part of the payment is divided in two, ¥45,000 4 months after the first payment, the others 45,000 will been pay two months before the tour kick off.

Note: it needs one previous year per set aside his place and start planning the tour. The tours can be only planned for the months of MARCH, APRIL, MAY, JUNE, JULY, SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER not in summer or another month, our partners in Japan just work in those months.

Far Channel Records also offer advisory the months previous the tour for help the band with the logistics trough video calls and grouped chats with the band and Far Channel Records.


The flights will been pay by the band, also it will be needed a van rental for moving between cities, but it will be also payed by the band (rental, gas, fees, etc.), but can be pay with the payment of the shows.

Transportation cost per day including asurance and driver:

Van rental ¥10000

Gas: ¥3000

Parking: ¥4000

Highway payment: ¥4000



In Japan, the promotors and venues, bring all the backline for the bands, all the bands can also bring their own backline, that also need to be covered by the band.


If the band want that one personal from Far Channel Records went with them as tour manager, the band will also cover his flights and meals during the tour.

If you need further information please contact:

JAPAN Booking:

Morito Nakanishi


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Far Channel Records


​音楽教室 / 学生バンドレッスン

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